Young Person Education Programme Lead – Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service

Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service is looking for a young person education programme lead to join its prevention department to lead on the management, development and delivery of prevention/community safety education programmes aimed at young people.
We are now looking to recruit an enthusiastic Young Person Education Programme Lead who will be responsible for the delivery of our current offering, the King’s Trust team programme. This is a twelve-week personal development programme for young people aged between 16-25 years old who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). The successful candidate will be required to plan, co-ordinate and attend all parts of the residential element of the programme. The residential commitment will be 3 x 4 nights per year.
The successful candidate will have the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the health and well-being of communities and strengthen relationships between the fire and rescue service and the communities it serves. The service is seeking applications from individuals who are committed to identifying and working with young people and adults. The successful candidate will manage, develop and deliver education programmes linked to risk reduction with the aim of keeping residents of Northumberland safe. These programmes form part of the service’s prevention strategy. The role requires the ability to build robust quality assurance and evaluation processes and is underpinned by a commitment to continuous professional development. It will be important that the successful candidate is able to demonstrate strategies to engage and motivate all learners participating in education programmes, staff and partners. A commitment to embedding safeguarding, equality, diversity, inclusion and supporting a culture that values everyone is key to this role.
  • Recent experience of working with young people between the age of 16-25 years who are NEET
  • Recent and relevant experience of delivering high quality and effective learning experience to groups and individuals
  • Evidence that you are able to apply effective approaches to teaching to more than one level and target audience
  • Recent and relevant experience of working within an appropriate vocational environment
  • Demonstrate extensive range of knowledge, understanding and application of curriculum development, innovation and delivery strategies
  • Demonstrate suitability to work with children and vulnerable adults including knowledge/understanding of safeguarding and its importance within the Charity.

Salary: £34,314 - £37,938

Contract type: Full Time

Closing date: February 18 2025

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