Specialist advice: Environmental protection

Control Measure Knowledge

This control measure should be read in conjunction with Specialist advice

Specialist advice may be required to inform the tactical plan if an incident, or the operational response to it, has the potential to pollute the environment. Sources of specialist advice can include:

  • Hazardous materials advisers (HMAs)
  • Environmental agencies
  • Scientific advisers
  • External operational advisers

An on-site responsible person, such as a chemical supplier or engineer, may be able to provide specialist advice on the products or processes in use.

If specialist advisers are unavailable, it may be possible to obtain advice from other sources, such as the Chemsafe service provided by the National Chemical Emergency Centre (NCEC).

Details of the specialist advice received should be recorded, including who gave the advice and what actions were taken, based on the information provided.

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions