NFCC Committee Lead Vacancies

Please scroll down to see current vacancies.


Why become a NFCC Lead Officer?

NFCC is keen to have a diverse range of members fulfilling Lead roles and encourages all members to consider roles advertised. NFCC cannot function effectively without the expertise and support of our Leads, so your work will be greatly appreciated.

Having a Lead role offers a great opportunity for personal and professional development. It provides you with exposure into the work of the NFCC and wider national stakeholders in a way that might not be the case in roles within your own FRS. Many roles also allow opportunities for the newly appointed Lead to shape the role into one that works for them.

You are encouraged to engage with other Lead officers and the wider committee or programme to seek advice to support you with your work. If you have colleagues within yours or other FRS who may be able to provide you with some support in fulfilling the role, then you are encouraged to draw on this support too.

You may have concerns about your ability or capacity to take on a role – most people do when they first take on a national role. Time will need to be committed to this role, and this time may vary from one month to the next. However, on average, it can be assumed that you would need to commit around the equivalent of a couple of days per month. This may vary depending on your role and any external influences at the time; for example, media interest in the area that your role covers, or a significant incident taking place. Whilst the time is an additional commitment, most find the personal and professional benefits of taking on national work far outweigh the time commitment it brings – so we would encourage you not to be put off by thinking you won’t have the time.

Further details on what a NFCC Lead Officer role entails can be found in the NFCC Lead Officer role profile.

How to become a Lead Officer:

A Lead Officer is a role held by appointment following an open and transparent recruitment process through which any essential or desirable experience or expertise required to fulfil the role effectively, will be outlined. Every Lead Officer role is advertised to the widest possible relevant group which will generally be NFCC Individual Members. The advert will include details of the specific role and the relevant role description.

To apply for any Lead role a short expression of interest must be submitted outlining why you are interested in the role and your relevant experience and skills. To ensure consistency only EOIs will be considered so please do not submit any further documentation. The panel will decide based purely on the expression of interest – to reduce the burden on what is a voluntary role there are no interviews for NFCC Lead roles and the overall process is designed to be relatively informal.

Once a decision has been made, all applicants will be notified of the outcome.

If you are applying for a Committee Chair or Vice Chair role, these appointments are made as a recommendation directly from the NFCC Chair to NFCC Chiefs Council. This will be reiterated at the time of the advertisement for these roles.

NFCC Committee and Lead Officer roles are advertised below and are open to expressions of interest from any serving employee of a UK public Fire and Rescue Service, unless otherwise specified.

Committee Chairs, or Lead Officers, who wish to advertise a role should contact

Relevant Documents:

NFCC Lead Officer Role Profile

Committee Chair Job Description

Chiefs Council Ways of Working


Lead Role Vacancies: