Finance Overview
Ben Ansell
Ben Ansell is Chief Fire Officer of Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service. Ben has held a number of operational roles in Dorset & Wiltshire, as well as being seconded to HMICFRS as an Area Manager during 2006.
In 2012, Ben became ACFO of Dorset Fire & Rescue Service and subsequently ACFO & Director of Operations following the creation of Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service in 2016. He then took up the role of Chief Fire Officer in December 2016.

The work of the committee
The Finance Coordination Committee seeks to develop the direction of Fire Service funding.
Technically qualified support will be provided by nominated senior finance officers providing a direct interface into the Fire Finance Network and the qualified leadership to support effective advocacy in forums such as NFCC.
- Provide effective strategic Fire Service leadership for the development of fire funding and fire related investments across all Fire Service governance arrangements.
- Provide effective strategic Fire Service leadership to assure and advise NFCC Coordination Committees and programmes on finance and commercial considerations.
- Provide effective strategic Fire Service leadership for change programmes in the Fire Service relating to finance.
- Provide direction and support to the Fire Finance Network and technical officers in support of the NFCC
- Provide effective strategic and technical Fire Service leadership concerning financial rules, procurement, charges, pensions, taxation and VAT.
- To support the professional development of Fire financial leaders.
- To support the professional development on finance of non-finance leaders.
Priorities for the NFCC Finance Committee:
Future funding basis for the Fire Service, including;
- negotiating a fair deal for the FRS
- evaluating the risks associated with funding options
- consider appropriate funding mechanisms across the FRS
- making recommendations to NFCC and HO
Securing future capital funding, including:
- negotiating access to capital funding for the FRS
- understanding the capital funding requirements across the FRS
- identifying options and criteria to use capital funding
Funding for national programmes and associated risks, including:
- understanding financial risks from national programmes
- developing options to sustain funding for national programmes
- making recommendations to NFCC and HO
Accessibility of transformational funding, including:
- negotiating access to transitional funding for the NFCC
- identifying criteria and options for transitional funding
- making recommendations to NFCC and HO
Work Streams
- Future funding basis for the Fire Service
- Securing future capital funding
- Funding for national programmes and associated risks
- Accessibility of transformational funding