CRP Quarterly Briefing - Issue 02
Welcome to Issue 02 of the CRP Quarterly Briefing – October 2019!
In the last CRP briefing, we covered the CRP journey to date, what the programme team and Board have been working on and the future direction of the programme. In this issue we will be updating you on the work that has taken place since July and more exciting developments in the programme.
Update on CRP Projects
In the last issue, we told you that we were looking for three project executives. We are pleased to announce that appointments have been made for all three roles, congratulations to:
- CFO Ian Hayton, Cleveland Fire Brigade, who will be leading the Definition of risk project.
- Nikki Richards, Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue service, who will be leading the Review/produce (I)RMP guidance project.
- Matt King, Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue service, who will be leading the Economic cost of fire project.
Project teams are now being formed, and we look forward to developing the full scope of the projects with the project executives over the coming weeks.
To learn more about our eight projects, please visit the CRP page:
Workplace Fire Service SPoCs Group
We asked all UK FRSs to provide a single point of contact (SPoC) in their service to engage with and help shape the programme.
Thank you to everyone who responded, we are now communicating regularly with SPoCs from 48 FRSs. This response reflects the level of interest in the programme and that FRSs are keen to be informed and involved.
Discussions on the forum have been insightful, and service SPoCs have told us that they have been supporting the programme by updating their services with communications we have been providing them.
National Review of Community Risk Methodology Across the UK FRS
The review, conducted by Nottingham Trent University, has now been shared with all UK FRSs and the NFCC’s Strategic Engagement Forum members which include, the Home Office, Local Government Association, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate for Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services, Unions and others.
Analysis was carried out on data and information provided by 43 FRSs about their service’s (I)RMP processes. We also received 30 responses from international organisations.
The report provides, for the first time, a national baseline for community risk planning, this is a significant step towards bringing improvement in this area.
Look out for an article on the report in the UK Fire magazine this November!
International Community Risk Reduction Symposium
Arising from the international submissions we received in response to the research survey, were positive collaborative opportunities with the Vision 20/20 programme in America. As part of this collaboration, an Inaugural International Community Risk Reduction Symposium was held in the West Midlands on 19 and 20 September 2019. Fire and Rescue colleagues from ten countries came together to discuss community risk, the challenges faced globally, approaches to risk, academic studies of risk and more. Feedback from the event has been very positive, and it is hoped the International Community Risk Reduction Symposium will be hosted by different countries every other year.
We have an article and photos on the symposium event in the November issue of the UK Fire magazine!
We try to celebrate our successes and would like to share these in our quarterly briefings. This month, we reflect on achieving the following:
- An established structure and governance of the programme ensuring delivery of programme concepts and ideas
- Appointment of three project executives for the first three projects to have commenced
- Project teams being formed
- A strong network of fire and rescue service leads (SPoCs) to engage with the programme, helping to shape its direction
- The academic review now shared with high level stakeholders, presents a national baseline for community risk methodology.
- 300 plus FRS staff on workplace interested in programme updates and opportunities to get involved
Job Opportunities
Look out for CRP related vacancies on the NFCC job opportunities page. We currently have the following vacancies:
- Project manager
- Business analyst
The deadline for both roles is midnight, 30 October.
We are also looking for subject-matter experts to support our work and FRS colleagues to form a Technical Working Group to support our projects – adverts for these roles will be coming out soon.
If you would like to contribute to any of our projects – current and future – please get in touch by emailing the Programme Team.
Key Dates:
- HMICFRS tranche 3 inspection reports – December 2019
- State of Fire and Rescue report – December 2019
General updates on the CRP will be provided through the NFCC website
If you have any questions or comments, please email the CRP Programme Team: