NFCC Equality, Diversity & Inclusion: Equality of Access for Services and Employment for the LGBT Communities

Investing in People, Culture and Leadership by providing good practice guidance, tools and improvements at a national level for implementation locally.

Closing date:

Consultation status:


As a public service focused on excellent provision for our customers, we need to ensure equal access to our services for every person in the FRS area and those in temporary residence or transit through the Country. We know through our operational assurance data that certain groups are more likely to have a fire, and they include people who are living with Dementia, mobility issues, and mental health issues. There are, however, other groups who aren’t necessarily showing as being at higher risk of a fire, but they may not be accessing our services, such as Safe and Well visits or reporting fires, because of other barriers which may be language, perceived prejudice and other societal factors. In addition to this, any groups of people who are intersectional, for example members of the LGBT community and from a BAME background, can access services even less, as they can face a double discrimination and intensified fear over the prejudice that they may face. Equal access means actively seeking to engage these groups who may be unaware of, or choosing not to access, services from us and other public sector providers.

This document focusses on Equality of Access to Services and Employment for the LGBT Communities.

This is one of many that the NFCC will be consulting upon. Other documents that will be consulted upon include:

  • Neurodiversity
  • Black People
  • Roma
  • Gypsy & Traveller communities
  • Vulnerable rehoused homeless
  • Asian (not received yet)
  • Equality of Access and Provision of Services to our Communities