Published 16 November 2023
Consultation opens on Internal Governance and Assurance Fire Standard

Consultation on the latest Fire Standard, Internal Governance and Assurance, is now open.
The Fire Standards Board, of which National Fire Chiefs Council is a member, welcomes responses from all stakeholders; however, fire and rescue services, in particular, as those directly impacted by Fire Standards, are encouraged to consider the draft standard and take part in the consultation. This is to ensure that Fire Standards continue to be developed by the service, for the service.
The Board also welcomes individual responses as well as those from colleagues in the Devolved Administrations, partner organisations and all stakeholders from the wider fire and rescue sector.
The Internal Governance and Assurance Fire Standard will take the Fire Standards Board a step closer to completing the initial suite of Fire Standards, based on the activity of fire and rescue services. Consultation on the accompanying Procurement and Asset Management Fire Standard will open soon.
Both the Internal Governance and Assurance, and Procurement and Asset Management Fire Standards relate to a range of ‘enabling’ activities which are essential in supporting the day-to-day business of fire and rescue services.
The standards are developed with input from subject matter experts and a broad range of representatives from the fire and rescue service. The thanks of the Board are extended to all those who have contributed to the development work, have taken part in peer reviews and have responded to the consultation.
The Fire Standards Board is made up of representatives from the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, Local Government Association, National Fire Chiefs Council and the Home Office, overseen by an independent Chair and Vice-Chair. The role of the Board is to oversee the identification, organisation, development and maintenance of professional standards for fire and rescue services in England. You can read more about the Fire Standards Board on their website,
Consultation responses help shape the final version of the Fire Standards, prior to an external quality assurance process followed by launch and publication.
The closing date for the consultation is 12:00hrs on Monday 18 December. You can access the consultation via the Fire Standards Board website here.