Position fire and rescue service vehicles safely

Control Measure Knowledge

On arrival at the incident, fire and rescue service vehicles should be appropriately positioned to optimise their safe use and minimise risk, and to avoid congestion at the incident ground.

To minimise the risk of collisions when fire and rescue service vehicles are being moved, consider:

  • Invoking speed restrictions
  • Wearing high visibility clothing
  • Appointing a traffic marshal
  • Establishing a marshalling sector
  • Communicating with other emergency responders

Fire and rescue service vehicles should be parked facing in the direction of the identified escape route, considering:

  • The development of the incident
  • Potential changes in weather conditions
  • The use of barriers that may provide protection

Avoid parking vehicles:

  • Where they may block an access, egress or escape route
  • On unsuitable ground
  • In areas of flammable vegetation or fuel
  • Upslope and downwind of the fire
  • Under power lines or tree canopies

It may be necessary to reposition fire and rescue service vehicles if they are at risk from the incident, for example due to firespread, flooding or collapsed structures.

If the incident could be producing an atmosphere that contains pollutants such as products of combustion or hazardous materials, to minimise their ingress, vehicle windows should remain closed, and the ventilation system adjusted to recirculate air or be turned off while at the incident. Vehicle doors and stowage compartments should be kept closed as much as is practicable.

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions