Boarding control procedures

Control Measure Knowledge

To maintain control of personnel embarking or disembarking the vessel, suitable arrangements should be put in place, under the control of the incident commander, to record the number of all personnel and their whereabouts.

To establish boarding control, in addition to an inner cordon point, a single point of access to the vessel should also be maintained using a system to record times, names, activities and location of those on board.

Anyone passing through this point will have received a safety brief on the evacuation strategy, which will include:

  • The evacuation signal
  • The whereabouts of an alternative egress or evacuation point, such as:
    • Fire and rescue service ladders
    • Fire and rescue service aerial appliances
    • Vessel’s own escape system
    • Accommodation, pilot ladder or platform
  • The assembly point for dockside roll call

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions