Carry out appropriate intervention: Fires in timber buildings under construction

Control Measure Knowledge

Fires in large timber buildings under construction may be resource intensive. Additional resources may be needed including personnel, equipment and water, and this should be given consideration early in the incident. Further information about this can be found in Operational Guidance: Operations and Operational Guidance: Fires and firefighting.

The speed and weight of attack required will depend on the stage of fire development and the construction of the building. Early intervention may prevent escalation, but if this is not possible, defensive tactics may need to be adopted. Refer to Operational Guidance: Fires and firefighting.

Operational personnel should be provided with risk information about current timber building construction sites if available. The Structural Timber Association (STA) requires their members to inform the local fire authority of any timber frame project. There is also a memorandum of understanding between the STA and the Chief Fire Officers’ Association.

Refer to the control measure of Incident ground safety management in Operational Guidance: Fires in buildings

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions