Rescue of a casualty with complex requirements

Control Measure Knowledge

Making an early identification of a bariatric casualty allows for an appropriate response by the fire and rescue service, initiating a response for advanced medical support and appropriate casualty management equipment.

  • Make an early identification of the bariatric casualty
  • Make an early TILE risk assessment:
    • Task
    • Individual capability
    • Load
    • Environment
  • Use the principles of safer moving and handling:
    • Avoid
    • Assess
    • Reduce

There may be complications with access and egress, or in getting to and from the casualty. This could necessitate structural changes being made to the building, and early consideration should be given to requesting specialist resources, such as urban search and rescue (USAR), for structural advice and assistance.

The deterioration of a bariatric casualty’s condition should be anticipated, based on their body position and the forces applied by their weight to organs, blood flow or respiration.

If a casualty requires rescue while remaining dependent on medical equipment, a retrieval team to support their rescue should be requested through the ambulance service. This will help to facilitate the movement and management of the equipment throughout the rescue.

Protocols for a multi-agency response for the rescue of casualties with complex requirements should be established with local care providers and other agencies.

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions