Access arrangements for aerodromes

Control Measure Knowledge

Rendezvous points (RVPs) are located at all aerodromes, at which responding fire and rescue services should attend. If the incident is airside, personnel will be met by aerodrome staff to marshal and escort them to the scene of operations. The escort may entail the use of aerodrome ‘follow me’ vehicles, or other designated vehicles.

Fire and rescue services will need clearance and supervision when entering restricted areas of aerodromes. If the aerodrome is closed, or if it is a smaller aerodrome with limited security, arrangements should be made to allow fire and rescue services airside access to carry out their statutory duties without undue delay, especially to carry out immediate life-saving activities.

If personnel need to cross runways, taxiways or aprons, or access critical areas including where there are navigational aids, they should only do so with an appropriate escort from the aerodrome authority.

Local protocols should always be referred to, along with the emergency plan, for escort procedures on the aerodrome. This should include confirmation that aircraft movements have either been stopped or restricted.

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions