CRP Quarterly Briefing – Issue 12

Welcome to our latest quarterly briefing providing an update on the work being undertaken by the Community Risk Programme.

Programme Update

Programme Manager: Paul Cohen, NFCC

It’s been another busy period for the programme which saw the launch of the Economic and Social Value of FRS methodology and regional workshops for the Definition of Risk Project. More information on this great work is available in the project updates below.

Thanks to everyone who completed our recent survey providing us with feedback about your use of available CRP products. The information you’ve provided will help us to develop future products.

Project Updates

Definition of Risk (DoR) Project

Project Executive: CFO Ian Hayton, Cleveland Fire Brigade
Project Manager: Hannah Begum, NFCC Portfolio Office

In September, the DoR project coordinated and delivered seven training workshops on the Domestic Dwelling Fires Risk Methodology; six were held in person and one was delivered online. User feedback was also gathered from UK FRS colleagues who took part. 43 UK FRSs were represented at workshops with over 100 UK FRS colleagues taking part in the sessions.

The Domestic Dwelling Fires Risk Methodology was shared with all FRS chiefs in February this year at full Council where it received unanimous support. The methodology will be published on the website in November.

Most FRSs that attended the workshop sessions said they would adopt the methodology and were keen to receive the first drafts of the Other Buildings Fires (OBFs) methodology and the Road Traffic Collisions (RTCs) methodology. Both draft methodologies are scheduled to be complete before the end of the year. There will be a phase of quality assurance and testing by volunteer FRSs and members of the working groups who are supporting the development of the methodologies. Following this, the methodologies will be shared with UK FRSs and the wider sector for consultation.

This month, the project will be launching a tender process for the peer review of all three methodologies. If you are interested in submitting a bid and would like to know more, please contact

For other hazardous events, the project will work with NFCC leads to develop risk frameworks where a methodology cannot be produced, such as the absence of robust national data. This work will commence in the next financial year.

Economic and Social Value (ESV) Project

Project Executive: Dan Quinn

Project Manager: Paquita Lamacraft, NFCC Portfolio Office

The ESV report Phase I – English data only, was launched at the NFCC Autumn conference. The Phase II Report will follow in December using data from each of the Devolved Administrations. The supporting video explaining the methodology accompanied the launch.

The benefit of the rigorously developed methodology is that it will help any FRS to evaluate where the most value is arising from activities undertaken, and to resource where there is likely to be the most positive impact. Following requests from Philadelphia, Montreal and California, the ESV is being presented to a group of international fire data analysts on Thursday 10th November. Feedback from this group demonstrates that some FRSs have done parts of this evaluation and in those which have been done in Montreal, their numbers correlate to those of our ESV Report.

A video explaining the ‘So What?’ of ESV is being developed in December 2022 to supplement the report.

Family Groups

The reworking of the Family Groups using a data led analysis has offered several ways of forming the groupings – each of has been evaluated with SMEs. The Top Trump Cards showing each FRS what shared relationships they have with other FRSs are being developed in November for printing and sending to each FRS by Christmas 2022. The previous Family Groups had no supporting evidence for the groupings and in the interim since its production in 2000 services have merged and FRS names and characteristics have changed. This set of new groupings has verifiable data and offers a statistical tool for grouping the services so the FRS as a whole can report ESV data in an aggregated manner, instead of individually. It also enables new relationships to be developed by those who share certain characteristics – some of which they may have been unaware. To facilitate use, there are three regional workshops planned for second quarter 2023.

Guidance Project

Project Executive: Nikki Richards,

Deputy Chief Executive, Director of Corporate Services, Royal Berkshire FRS 

Project Manager: Paquita Lamacraft, NFCC Portfolio Office

The Evaluation draft has been amended following input from the Technical Working Group and wider consultation has been delayed due to staff illnesses delaying the consultation tool being developed. It is expected that it will be ready for Board approval in December.

The Hazard Identification, Risk Analysis, and Decision-Making Guidance has been in development since 1 August 2022, with expectation of sequenced delivery during December and January.

The linkages that will require signposting to other projects are being incorporated into the planning structure for the drafts of each of the three pieces of guidance, with workshops with relevant teams, especially DoR being undertaken November 2022.

The Guidance Framework and supporting guidance will be formally launched in February 2023.

Videos explaining the ‘So what?’ of using NFCC Guidance are being developed and include clips of FRS SMEs discussing examples of practice they have developed.

Competencies for Risk Managers Project

Project Executive: DCFO Gavin Ellis, Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Service

Project Manager: Lucy Cooper, NFCC Portfolio Office

The Competencies for Risk Management Project is gearing up for launch this year and should be available for download on UKFRS in December.

A joint working agreement is also now in place with the NFCC People Programme who will develop functional level competencies with the CRP Competencies that sit behind the framework, with the Project Board providing oversight to ensure continued alignment with CRP projects and initiatives.

Evaluation of Fire Interventions Project

Project Executive: ACFO Niall McKiniry, Humberside Fire & Rescue Service

Project Manager: Lucy Cooper, NFCC Portfolio Office

The Evaluation of FRS Interventions Project is in the process of developing a tool to enable standardised and robust evaluation of fire interventions, this work is being carried out by an external consultant (e.Driving Solutions).

Initial efforts have focused on collection and collation of case studies reflecting evaluation taking place inside and outside the sector, with thanks to all those who contributed examples of evaluation from their service.

The work is on schedule to be delivered this financial year for launch at the Spring Conference.

Contact Us

If you want to find out more about the work we’re doing within the Community Risk Programme please get in touch