Pre-review research: Major incidents guidance

Closing Date: 27/06/2022

Consultation Status: Closed

As part of the National Operational Guidance maintenance process, we want to make sure that our guidance meets your needs. Before we begin our scheduled review, we would like your opinion of the currently published Major incidents guidance.

You have until midday on 27 June to complete the online pre-review research. You may wish to do this as an individual or as a representative of your organisation or user group.

For the purposes of this pre-review research please use the PDF below of the current guidance, which has line numbering so that you can let us know what your comment refers to.

The link to the online pre-review research is: Major incidents survey

A Word version of the questions has been provided, to enable you to gather your response before completing the survey online.

If you have any questions about the pre-review research, please email

We look forward to reading your response.