National Coordination Advisory Framework (NCAF) 2021 consultation
Closing Date: 12/07/2021
Consultation Status: Closed
The National Coordination Advisory Framework (NCAF) is the mechanism by which Fire & Rescue Services are able to access additional support from across the sector to assist with sudden onset or rising tide events of national significance. Such support is provided via the provision of specialist national resilience assets, other specialist resources, front line firefighting assets or combinations thereof. Operational learning from past significant incidents, coupled with structural changes within stakeholder departments have given cause for the current NCAF (released in April 2019) to be reviewed. The views and input from the broader sector will be invaluable in ensuring that the new version of the NCAF reflects the needs of the sector, Home Office and other partner agencies when the coordination of Fire and Rescue Service assets in responding to significant, serious or catastrophic incidents is required.
To that end, Fire and Rescue Services are invited to provide their comments and feedback on the provided draft version of the NCAF. We ask that each service provide a single compiled response that captures all relevant points from your respective personnel. The feedback will then be collated and utilised to inform the future version of the NCAF which we hope to release later this calendar year. On behalf of the National Resilience Assurance Team, I’d like to thank every Fire and Rescue Service for your continued support to national resilience more broadly and we very much look forward to receiving your feedback as part of this consultation process.
AM Kevin Longshaw (National Resilience Assurance Team Lead Officer)
Please provide consultation comments via email to by the 12th July 2021