Road Traffic Collisions risk methodology
Closing Date: 17/04/2023
Consultation Status: Closed
This Road Traffic Collisions (RTCs) risk methodology is the third methodology produced by the Definition of Risk (DOR) Project for the UK Fire and Rescue Service (FRS). The Domestic Dwelling Fires methodology was delivered in 2022 and the project has recently consulted on the Other Building Fires (OBFs) methodology. The RTCs methodology was developed by consultants ORH in collaboration with the NFCC and a working group of UK FRS road safety/response experts and community risk experts. The project’s aim was to deliver an evidence based, data driven methodology for calculating risk of RTCs.
We are aware that the methodology requires considerable GIS expertise to calculate and map risk, FRS are therefore not expected to test the methodology as part of this consultation if this is not possible. If this is the case for your FRS, please consider the rationale behind the areas we are seeking feedback on when formulating your response.
RTC risk mapping files for FRS
Due to the level of skills and GIS expertise required to run the methodology, the NFCC has produced GIS mapping files for UK FRS that can be uploaded directly to the service’s in-house mapping system. The files will include key information used in the methodology for all road segments in an FRS area including:
Road class and type
Urban/rural category (based on ONS data)
Speed limit data (from Basemap Ltd)
Values for Likelihood
Values for Consequence
RTC risk score and category (H/M/L)
This will mean FRS will receive the RTCs risk methodology as well as a product that will enable the FRS to map RTC risk by road segment, with the data analysis already completed for them.
An example mapping file has been shared with all UK FRS. A copy can be made available to all other respondents on request by emailing NFCC Community Risk Programme.
Next Steps
This consultation will close end of the day Monday 17 April 2023.The responses to the consultation will be evaluated and any enhancements will be made to the final methodology. The methodology will also undergo peer review by risk experts at Liverpool University before publication in June 2023. If you have any questions relating to this consultation, please contact the NFCC Community Risk Programme.