Assist the rescue of people at risk: Water survival guidance for people in buildings
Control Measure Knowledge
This control measure should be read in conjunction with:
Assist the rescue of people at risk: Survival guidance
Assist the rescue of people at risk: Water survival guidance
The following information should be gathered by fire control personnel. This information should be used to aid dynamic mobilising decisions and shared with operational personnel and where relevant, other responding agencies, to assist the rescue of people at risk:
- Location of all people in the building, for example kitchen or first floor bedroom, flat and floor number
- A description of where the location is, for example:
- Front left window when looking from the road at the front of the building
- First room on the right at the top of the stairs
- Access and egress information for the building if relevant, for example:
- If the window is at the rear of the building
- If there is a gate to gain access
- Depth and conditions of the water inside and outside the building
- Condition of the power in the property
- If the gas and electric supplies have been isolated
- Detail of any damage to the gas or electric supply
- Any risk of electrification of the water
- Condition of the building, including:
- Any known risks, such as hoarding
- If it is under construction or demolition
For large or complex buildings, consider the use of location services to identify the exact location of people in the building.
Depending on the situation, the following advice to people at risk may prove useful in assisting the rescue:
- Remain near to the window
- Use a visual aid, such as a torch or phone light, to identify the room they are in
- On arrival of operational personnel remain in their location until advised otherwise
If people have packed a flood kit, it is important this is kept to a minimum. Large bags can become obstructions when attempting to exit a building through windows, as well as taking up space on rescue boats.