Carry out direct observation: Wildfires

Control Measure Knowledge

Ground fires are, by their very nature, concealed, which means they can be very difficult to locate. It can also be very difficult to determine the depth and extent of firespread beneath the ground. The presence and location of spot fires and crown fires can also be difficult for personnel to identify when they are completing specific tasks. Spot fires and crown fires can also ignite as a result of very rapid changes in conditions and fire behaviour.

Direct observation of the scene of operations should therefore be used in conjunction with local knowledge and/or specialist advice, to identify and provide early warning of ground fires, spot fires and crown fires that may occur during a wildfire.

The primary method for monitoring the incident and providing an early warning of potential ground fires, spot fires and crown fires, is to implement the LACES safety protocol at the earliest opportunity and, specifically, to deploy lookouts. Tactical lookouts should be deployed to topographical high points and can also be deployed effectively as aerial observers (refer to the Control Measure: Consider using aerial observation for further information):

  • On a fixed-wing aircraft
  • On a helicopter
  • To accompany the operator of a drone (unmanned aircraft) to observe images/video transmitted to the ground from the drone

At some wildfire incidents it may also be necessary or beneficial to deploy tactical lookouts in mobile reconnaissance roles, using appropriate vehicles.

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions