Plan reception centres

Control Measure Knowledge

Depending on the scale and nature of the incident, suitable locations and logistics for the safe reception of large numbers of people may need to be identified and arranged. Reception centres in the form of survivor reception centres, emergency rest centres and humanitarian assistance centres are designed to cater for the needs of all casualties and others involved.

Experience has shown that in the immediate aftermath of an incident many people will travel to the scene or to meeting points, such as travel terminals, if they believe their family or friends may have been involved in an emergency. Friends and relatives who may be feeling intense anxiety, shock or grief, need a sympathetic and understanding approach. Appropriate and effective liaison and control must be in place to ensure that information is accurate, consistent and non-contradictory.

Local authorities work with statutory and specialist agencies and the voluntary sector who can provide additional specialist assistance at a large scale incident or one which requires additional logistical and public support. Such agencies include:

  • Voluntary Sector Civil Protection Forum
  • Red Cross — emergency response
  • Disaster Action
  • Salvation Army Trust
  • Samaritans
  • St. John Ambulance / St. Andrews Ambulance (Scotland)
  • Royal Voluntary Service — formerly Women’s Royal Voluntary Service

For further information, see: Emergency Response and Recovery Non statutory guidance accompanying the Civil Contingencies Act 2004

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions