Post-incident health surveillance

Control Measure Knowledge

Health surveillance allows for early identification of ill health and helps identify any corrective action needed. Regulations exist for workplace exposure to:

  • Noise
  • Vibration
  • Solvents
  • Fumes
  • Dusts
  • Biological agents
  • Other substances hazardous to health
  • Compressed air

Regulations include:

Appropriately trained and competent health professionals should carry out appropriate health surveillance, especially where there is a regulatory requirement to monitor the health of employees.

Employers should also provide for the effective monitoring of mental health and well-being of all employees to ensure that any exposure to psychological hazards can be monitored. Critical incident stress management procedures should be considered as part of an intervention to minimise the impact of traumatic incidents on individuals, and to reduce work-related stress.

All employees, should follow service protocols to report any symptoms of mental or physical health illness they experience.

Employees with supervisory or managerial responsibilities should follow service protocols for raising concerns about the mental or physical well-being of individuals.

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions