Restrict the use of electronic communication devices near military aircraft

Control Measure Knowledge

There is a potential hazard when electronic communication devices are used in close proximity to an electro explosive device (EED). The sensitivity of electro-explosive devices can be minimised by screening, using ATEX compliant communication equipment and specialised packaging.

However, electro-explosive devices may be vulnerable to inadvertent initiation by radio frequencies in some conditions, for example, if they are unpackaged. This effect is known as RADHAZ, and should be considered at all times when using management radios, mobile phones and so on in the vicinity of electro explosive-devices or stores containing electro-explosive devices.

Mobile telephones and handheld radios, including Airwave, should not be taken inside the inner cordon; exceptions to this should be approved by the Military Aircraft Recovery Officer or the Defence Accident Investigation Branch (DAIB).

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions