Safe system of work: Objects involved in a mode of transport collision

Control Measure Knowledge

An assessment should be made of the weight of the object and its stability. How it has come to rest and the topography of the incident scene may contribute to its potential movement. The object should be taken into account when determining the methods being used to stabilise the mode of transport.

It may be possible to relocate objects away from the hazard area, without affecting the stability of the mode of transport or worsening conditions for any casualties. Carrying out this activity may improve the access to and egress from the mode of transport for emergency responders and casualties. If objects are relocated, their original position should be recorded for investigation purposes, and their new location chosen so that they do not impact on the handling of the incident.

If the object involved has an electrical supply, such as street lighting, the appropriate operator should be contacted so that they can isolate the electricity. For further information refer to Utilities and fuel: Adopt defensive tactics until the electricity supply is isolated.

Heavy objects that have landed on modes of transport, such as trees or structures, will probably require the assistance of fire and rescue service specialist teams, or external specialist resources to remove them. Specialist resources could include:

  • Local authorities
  • Building engineers
  • Tree surgeons
  • Urban search and rescue (USAR)
  • Transport network teams

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions