Scene survey: Fires in buildings

Control Measure Knowledge

A comprehensive scene survey may include:

  • Visual indications en route and on arrival
  • A survey of the exterior of the building
  • A survey of the location reported as being involved in the fire
  • Observations from thermal imaging
  • Detailed inspection of areas of interest
  • Accessing concealed areas
  • Surveying adjoining buildings
  • Aerial assessment

In addition to the that should be gathered at all incidents when carrying out a scene survey, information that may be relevant to a fire in a building includes:

Aerial assessment

Fire and rescue services should consider making arrangements with organisations that can assist with carrying out scene surveys, including:

  • National Police Air Service (NPAS)
  • Police Scotland Air Support Unit (PSASU)
  • Police Service of Northern Ireland Air Support Unit (PSNI ASU)
  • Drone operators

Signs of occupancy

When assessing whether the building is currently occupied, personnel should consider:

  • Information from fire control rooms, responsible persons and witnesses
  • Time of day and occupancy type
  • Signs of occupation, such as:
    • Lights, movement or noise within the property
    • The presence of vehicles associated with the property
    • Lower floor windows that have been left open

When identifying occupancy, the presence of unauthorised occupants should be considered. Signs of unauthorised habitation may include:

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions