Situational awareness: Fires in heritage buildings

Control Measure Knowledge

This control measure should be read in conjunction with Situational awareness: Fires in buildings


Site-Specific Risk Information and emergency response or salvage plans may provide information that will assist in prioritising operational activity for a fire in a heritage building. For more information refer to Fires and firefighting Preventable Damage.

In the event of a fire in a listed or culturally significant building, the appropriate organisation should be informed. This could include:

When developing the tactical plan and before committing personnel to enter the heritage building, consideration should be given to its age, construction materials, features, layout and contents. An assessment of its stability should also be made, which may require specialist advice.

Obtaining plans for the building from the responsible person or appropriate organisation may assist personnel who need to navigate inside the building.

If the building has an emergency response plan, the information is likely to include:

  • Evacuation procedures
  • Contact list
  • Site plan showing utility isolation points
  • Hazards to fire and rescue service personnel
  • A contact list of people responsible for salvage operations
  • A contact list of service providers
  • Site and building plans
  • Salvage priorities
  • Grab sheets, including the procedures for the removal of assets
  • Available on-site equipment
  • Location of temporary storage facilities and ‘first aid’ treatment of salvaged objects
  • Arrangements for the longer-term storage or treatment of damaged objects

For more information refer to Historic England: Emergency Response Plans.

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions