Controlling the release of energy from mode of transport structural components

Control Measure Knowledge

The design, construction and materials used in some modes of transport mean that if an impact occurs they are less likely to deform. If deformation has taken place, it will indicate the high level of energy that has existed. If deformed components need to be repositioned, there may be a sudden release of energy.

Materials such as glass and polycarbonates may fracture when large energy forces are applied. Surface tension across the material can lead to sections being released uncontrollably as projectiles.

It may be necessary to use alternative extrication routes to avoid cutting deformed high-strength materials. The choice of tools should aim to reduce the energy input to any materials that could fracture, with appropriate protection used for personnel, casualties and other emergency responders in case this occurs.

Before carrying out any activity that could release energy from structural components, there should be effective stabilisation of the mode of transport.

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