Document incidents effectively during periods of multiple incidents

Control Measure Knowledge

Multiple incident logs

During periods of multiple incidents, fire control personnel will have multiple incident logs open on the mobilising system. Fire control personnel should accurately annotate the correct incident log to avoid messages being added to the wrong incident.

An incident may also have more than one relevant geographical location, such as a major incident with an associated strategic holding area. Some mobilising systems allow fire control personnel to create additional locations to an incident log, to record where operational resources have been mobilised.

Using one incident log with multiple locations reduces the likelihood of personnel missing relevant information recorded on separate, related incident logs and is an effective method of managing incident logs.

Some mobilising systems allow fire control personnel to link separate, related incident logs. For example, a secondary incident log for a strategic holding area may be linked to the primary incident log to show its relationship. For this to be an effective method of managing multiple incident logs, the mobilising system should make the link between relevant incidents clear and explain whether messages should be added to one incident log and not the other.

When managing multiple incident logs, the implementation of effective working practices, clearly communicated to fire control personnel, is imperative. This may involve the use of dedicated roles in fire control, including suitably trained personnel overseeing the management of multiple incident logs.

Viewing incident logs remotely

Many mobilising systems offer remote access to incident logs through a secure mobile application or web page. Operational commanders may use this access to view incident logs from the incident ground or other remote locations.

Accessing incident logs remotely is an effective way of sharing situational awareness with a wider audience during periods of multiple incidents. Mobilising systems that offer remote access should make it clear to readers when an incident or event has more than one relevant, separate incident log (such as a major incident with a linked, associated log for a strategic holding area) and explain whether any messages should be added to one incident log and not the other.

The clarity of written information in an incident log is important as it may be read remotely without the supporting context of communication with fire control personnel.

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