Follow the standard message process

Training Specification

Knowledge and understanding

Control measure element Learning outcome
The standard message process Understand:

  • The benefits of using standard message templates
  • The benefit of capturing call signs or the incident commander’s name against each message
  • The standard message process
  • The structure of standard messages
  • How standard messages are transmitted
  • The impact that mobilisation messages may have on responding personnel
Messages or information exchanged with other agencies Understand:

  • The guidance provide in the JESIP Joint Doctrine

Practical application

Tactical action Learning outcome
Fire control personnel should

Use the message formats provided when recording information

Demonstrate the ability to:

  • Use standard messages to record information
Fire control personnel should

Capture call signs or names as provided by the incident ground

Demonstrate the ability to:

  • Accurately capture call signs or names against each message
Fire control personnel should

Consider how mobilisation messages might influence the behaviour of responding personnel, including those driving to the incident

Demonstrate the ability to:

  • Use standard messages to minimise the impact that mobilisation messages may have on responding personnel
Fire control personnel should

Consider providing additional or updated information in an appropriate manner to responding personnel, including those driving to the incident

Demonstrate the ability to:

  • Provide responding personnel with:
    • Further relevant information
    • Changes to the incident that may influence the urgency of attendance
    • Changes to access routes