Identifying the need for enhanced logistics support

Control Measure Knowledge

The primary function of the enhanced logistics support (ELS) capability is to enhance the fire and rescue service command and control capability, by allowing effective and scalable deployment of National Resilience resources to any national level incident.

The capability has personnel with the necessary knowledge and skills to manage the organisational and control aspects at the nominated strategic holding area (SHA) or multi-agency strategic holding area (MASHA) for the incident.

The ELS capability will be requested by a National Resilience Assurance Team (NRAT) officer, based on the needs of the incident and the National Resilience capabilities (NR) attending the incident.

The success and effectiveness of the ELS capability is dependent on the suitability of the SHA or MASHA; these should be established as detailed in the Guide to the Identification, Inspection and Establishment of Multi-Agency Strategic Holding Areas. Further information can be found on the website, Multi-agency strategic holding areas: a guide.

SHAs and MASHAs are identified by individual fire and rescue services, in conjunction with statutory resilience forums. The SHA and MASHA addresses and mapping co-ordinates are held on the National Coordination and Advisory Framework (NCAF) electronic support system. This information is used by the National Resilience Fire Control (NRFC) when mobilising National Resilience assets.

The equipment provided by the ELS resources includes:

  • Systems for communications and IT
  • Computer systems and printing facilities
  • Lighting
  • Electrical systems and support systems
  • Warning systems
  • Identification signs

ELS can provide an enhanced briefing facility (EBF) for use within the MASHA or SHA. This is a tent structure that includes:

  • Rest facilities for firefighters, including tables and chairs
  • Lighting and heating (heating provided in conjunction with Mass Decontamination Units)
  • Briefing facilities, including display and projection equipment

The ELS functions include:

  • Operations support
    • Safety briefing of personnel
    • Inter-service liaison
    • Resource co-ordination
    • Liaison with the incident commander
    • Marshalling within the MASHA or SHA
  • Logistics support
    • Co-ordination and provision of sufficient resources to the MASHA or SHA
    • Personnel welfare and consumables
  • Planning support and information management
    • Proposing and reviewing information
    • Planning resource and relief plans
    • Planning meetings, briefings and debriefings
  • Communications support
    • Communication and recording of actions and decisions
    • Maintenance of relevant logs within the MASHA or SHA using online asset management software

The affected fire and rescue service should mobilise a liaison officer to the SHA or MASHA to assist with welfare and communication issues.

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions