Safe system of work: Aircraft evacuation slides

Control Measure Knowledge

Familiarisation with evacuation slides

Fire and rescue services should consider regularly providing personnel with the opportunity to gain familiarisation with aircraft evacuation slides. This could be achieved through visits to an aerodrome where evacuation slides are tested, or other means such as eLearning or presentations.

Deployed evacuation slides

If the aircraft is still being evacuated, people or their belongings may descend the evacuation slides at high speed. It may be appropriate to appoint safety officers to monitor the deployment or stability of aircraft evacuation slides, especially if being used by passengers.

If the evacuation slide has deployed and is obstructing the access of personnel to the aircraft, it may be necessary to cut, deflate or remove a deployed evacuation slide. However, this activity should first be approved by the responsible person.

Undeployed evacuation slides

It should be assumed that evacuation slides may intentionally or accidentally deploy, and to ensure that any approach to the aircraft takes this into account.

If an emergency exit is opened in the emergency mode from inside the aircraft, the evacuation slide should deploy. If an exit is in the emergency mode and is opened from outside, the evacuation slide should not deploy.

Accessing an aircraft with evacuation slides

If the evacuation slides have not deployed, their length and location should inform the cordon distances around the aircraft. Personnel should be briefed about the hazards when working near deployed or undeployed aircraft evacuation slides.

As much information as possible should be gathered from the responsible person, aircraft manufacturer or the markings on the aircraft before attempting to open a door from outside the aircraft.

If ladders are required to gain access to the aircraft, they should be positioned beside the aircraft door, on the side opposite to the hinges.

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions