
Control Measure Knowledge

This control measure is supported by the:

Telemetry allows live and relevant data to be transmitted and received between a remote monitoring point and the breathing apparatus (BA) wearer. Telemetry equipment should comply with relevant legislation and standards.

The power of a radio frequency signal diminishes over distance. It will also be affected as the radio waves pass through solid objects, such as walls and floors of buildings, basements or tunnels, or natural terrain.

To maximise the signal power of a radio frequency transmission, fire and rescue services should follow the advice given by telemetry equipment manufacturers; the use of a leaky feeder or repeater units may be required to enhance signal strength.

In the event of a loss of contact or breakdown in telemetry communications, emergency evacuation procedures should be considered; these can be total or selective in nature.

In the event of emergency evacuation procedures being put in place, details of the emergency evacuation should be communicated to all telemetry BA entry control operatives.

Emergency total evacuation procedures

If two or more telemetry BA entry control boards or units are in use at the same incident and an emergency total evacuation is required, each telemetry BA entry control board or unit at the scene will initiate this level of evacuation.

Emergency selective evacuation procedures

Emergency selective evacuation is an integral emergency feature available when telemetry is employed. It allows the person responsible for the BA entry control point to evacuate specific BA teams in an emergency while leaving other BA teams in place.

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions