Undertake pre-planning: Deployment of breathing apparatus

Control Measure Knowledge

This control measure is supported by the:

Fire and rescue services are required to identify risks and collect information indicating where there may be hazards to personnel. For further information refer to Operations: Undertake pre-planning.

Information gathered during pre-planning should identify locations that may require:

  • The deployment of breathing apparatus (BA)
  • The use of ancillary equipment, such as:
    • Torch or lamp
    • Telemetry
    • Radio communications
    • Thermal imaging camera
  • The provision of equipment that is suitable for use in explosive atmospheres
  • The removal of equipment that is not suitable for use in explosive atmospheres; this may include personal possessions

Pre-planning should include the arrangements for the timely mobilising of the ancillary equipment that may be required in the event of BA deployment.

When pre-planning for the potential deployment of BA, consideration should be given to the effectiveness of communication methods, especially if there may be limited penetration of radio signals into buildings, or into structures below ground. Building plans may assist with pre-planning arrangements.

In order to ensure the safety and effectiveness of communications with BA teams, pre-planning should consider taking proactive steps to enhance the effectiveness of radio communications and telemetry at these locations.

For further information refer to the Fireground radios guidance.

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions