Use a premises-based gazetteer

Control Measure Knowledge

A premises-based gazetteer is a database containing up-to-date address details for most premises and other information such as data relating to motorways, streets, towns, villages and other points of interest.

Premises-based gazetteers should be maintained effectively and kept up to date. This may be achieved by adopting a gazetteer that is maintained by a third party.

Access to a premises-based gazetteer may be provided to operational personnel via mobile data terminals.

A premises-based gazetteer can:

  • Enable a wide range of valuable information, including address details and points of interest, to be held, which can be included in system-generated mobilising messages, such as:
    • Site-Specific Risk Information (SSRI)
    • Location Notices
    • Plans for sites or buildings
    • Action plans or special procedures for sites such as control of major accident hazards (COMAH) sites
    • Road closures or restrictions
  • Improve operational efficiency, increase mobilising accuracy and significantly contribute to strengthening the speed and accuracy of response
  • Improve the accuracy of an emergency response by enabling precise address information to be relayed to personnel at the time of mobilising
  • Help reduce communication errors between fire control personnel, operational personnel and other agencies
  • Provide personnel with information on the hazards and risks they are likely to encounter at specific locations
  • Improve intraoperability and interoperability by providing a common set of address information

For further information refer to:

Strategic Actions

Tactical Actions