Watch Manager Fire Control Talent Pool (Talent Progression) – Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service
The Role of Watch Manager Control
To undertake an appropriate level of command co-ordinating emergency and non-emergency call handling and incident management activities. Supporting and delivering information and advice to internal and external agencies to support operational response. Oversee and deliver the on watch training and assessments to improve and measure performance and organise and implement practical activities to aid learning and development supported by the Training manager.
Manage the watch and support the Station Commander (Control) in the day to day management of the control room, carry out administration tasks and lead a small team when carrying out specific tasks
The post holder will carry out this role through the performance of key tasks and responsibilities as specified in the job description.
Main Duties & Responsibilities
Lead and support control operations to resolve events (WM8)
Planning initial action to be taken to meet the needs of events including planning for anticipated demands on resources and ability to allow sufficient flexibility and contingency planning for potential changes.
Implementation of your prepared plans including contingency plans and ability to effectively communicate with plans and objectives with others.
Measuring performance against objectives and standards and giving feedback to groups and Individuals through debriefs ensuring that any risk-critical issues are addressed.
Support the efficient use of resources (WM9)
Making positive and constructive recommendations for the use of equipment, materials, services, supplies, finance, energy and time within your own sphere of responsibility.
Monitoring and controlling resources to ensure the most effective and productive use of those available to you and your team.
Acquire, store and issue resources to provide service delivery (WM10)
Ensuring that sufficient resources of consumables used on a day to day basis are available to avoid any interruption to service delivery. This includes prioritisation of resources and implementation of ordering procedures.
Monitoring of storage of consumables including ensuring compliance with any regulations and requirements which may have an impact on health and safety in the workplace.
Control the issue of resources to support service delivery.
Proactively control issue of resources to ensure that sufficient supply is maintained including to allow for times of known, anticipated and contingency requirements.
Respond to poor performance in your team (WM11)
Providing constructive and positive support to team members who are experiencing difficulties in their work role. Including giving feedback, investigating development needs and referring to other specialist personnel.
Making effective and constructive contributions to implementing disciplinary and grievance procedures to deal with instances or poor performance.
Salary: £40,538 - £44,372
Contract type: Full Time
Closing date: March 28 2025
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