Wholetime Watch Manager Talent Pool (Talent Progression) – Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service
Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service is seeking applications from motivated and positive leaders to help build on our achievements through continuous improvement. Are you that forward thinking leader who upholds our Service values and seeks to lead a positive culture? Can you bring innovation, self, and people performance as well as excellent community service to the Watch Manager role?
We are seeking to fill a number of current and future Watch Manager vacancies, as they arise. Applicants must be prepared to serve in any Watch Manager post across the Service.
Due to the base location of some posts in buildings shared with Police colleagues, any offer of contract will be subject to satisfactory enhanced Police vetting.
Applications are invited from competent wholetime, substantive Crew managers or existing Watch Managers. All applicants will be required to complete an online application form, references will also be requested from current service line managers.
Internal Applicants that have completed a talent conversation and cascaded development objectives that have been signed off by their line manager will not be required to complete an external application but will still be required to complete an expression of interest. The link for the expression of interest will have been sent by workforce development, however if you require this to be resent please email FireHRRecruitment@northants.police.uk
Internal Applicants that have not completed a talent conversation or not signed off their development objectives will be required to complete full application process.
The deadline for completion of the application pack will be midday 28th March 2025.
Late applications will not be accepted.
Shortlisted applicants will be required to undertake a series of assessments, which will include:
Assessment Centre comprising:
Interview/ Professional discussion
Management presentation / Briefing
Operational assessment (if required)
The successful applicants will be placed into the Watch Manager Talent Pool and will progress into a Watch Manager position as they become available without the need to complete further processes.
Salary: £42,672 - £46,707
Contract type: Full Time
Closing date: March 28 2025
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