Strategic Master Class – Evaluation Forms (1)

Strategic Master Class– Evaluation Form

Thank you for attending our recent Master Class. We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete this evaluation survey to help us review and improve future sessions. Please note that this survey will close 2 weeks after the live session.

Q1. About you

Q2. How useful did you find the Master Class?


Q3. Did the Master Class session increase your knowledge in the topic area?


Q4. Is there anything you think should have been covered in the session but wasn't included? (tick one box only)


Q5. Please provide details of any learning points or actions you have taken away from the session that you plan to implement going forward.

Q6. The PCL Hub will be developing a toolkit focusing on guidance and prevention of sexual harassment between now and March 2025. Are there any particular resources that you would find helpful to be included for consideration in the toolkit?

Q7. Please use this space to provide any other feedback you have about this particular Master Class session:

Q8. Please tell us about any topics you would like covered in the Master Class hosted by NFCC in the future: