Prepare and Protect Against Wildfire

With wildfires becoming increasingly common, if you live or work near a wildfire prone area you should be aware and prepared.

If you live in a rural area or an area prone to grass or wildfires you can check your property and surroundings for fire hazards to reduce the risk.

Protect your garden

You can help protect your garden by:

  • Aiming for a cleared zone of 5-10 foot around all sides of your home by removing combustible materials such as felled trees and long grass
  • Speaking to neighbours or contacting your local authority if you are concerned about land that is not yours
  • Cutting back trees and shrubs that are close to or touching your house and dispose of the waste responsibly – don’t throw cuttings onto adjacent land or let them dry out in your garden, it’s fuel in the event of a fire
  • Keeping grass cut short (below about 7cm) and remove cut grass – long, dry grass can burn if an ignition source is introduced
  • Clearing flammable debris such as dead leaves from from the garden and guttering
  • Positioning sheds away from your property
  • Separating trees, bushes and items that could catch fire, such as patio furniture
  • Keeping your garden maintained and watered in dry spells. Consider using water from water butts or waste water from the home if hosepipe bans are in place
  • Following safety advice to reduce the risk of fire in the garden such as when having barbecues

Protect your home

Help protect your home from wildfires by:

  • Clearing flammable debris such as dead leaves from guttering
  • Making sure that flammable substances such as fuel, fertilisers and pesticides are safely stored away from your home
  • Checking that all property exit routes are clear from inside and outside the home
  • Stopping hot embers from entering your roof space by repairing loose and broken roof tiles
  • Checking for spaces between roof tiles or within your home where burning embers could become lodged and make sure they are clear
  • Positioning garden structures, such as sheds and compost heaps away from the house