DDaT Strategy and Roadmap

Our Digital, Data, and Technology (DDaT) strategy and roadmap represent a transformative vision for the future of fire and rescue services. Built on the foundation of innovation and collaboration, our strategy aims to harness the power of cutting-edge technology and data-driven insights to optimise every aspect of our operations.

From frontline response to risk management, our roadmap lays out a clear path towards enhancing efficiency, effectiveness, and safety across the board. Read the strategy and the overview of our roadmap here:

Strategic alignment

The key themes align to the NFCC 2023-2026 Member Strategy commitments to:

  • Advise and Influence
  • Develop Solutions and Tools
  • Provide Personal and Professional Development
  • Provide a Co-ordinated Response

They also align to Improvement Objective 11 from Fit for the Future 2022, which states:

All fire and rescue services will develop the management of data and digital capabilities to ensure evidence-based decision-making. This will enable the measurement of benefits delivered through service activity, evaluation of the service, and also support employee development.

Additionally, they address some of the efficiency improvements required in the HMICFRS State of Fire and Rescue 2022, which highlights the inequality between services and their varying use of digital, data and technology to carry out both frontline and support functions.