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Knowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Dividing an incident into sectors Understand: When it is appropriate to divide an incident into sectors T...
Incident commandUnderstanding the span of control concept is important when managing a large amount of activity and information. Dividing an incident into sectors may support this by providing a clear reporting struc...
Incident commandKnowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Selecting the tactical mode Understand: The need to select the appropriate tactical mode for firefighting operat...
FirefightingThis control measure should be read in conjunction with Incident command – Select the tactical mode One of the most crucial decisions that an incident commander will have to make at a fire-relate...
FirefightingThis control measure should be read in conjunction with Incident command: Situational awareness Situational awareness refers to the perception and understanding an incident commander has of a fire-...
FirefightingKnowledge and understanding Control measure element Learning outcome Situational awareness Understand: The importance of continuous review of the progress of fire control acti...
Fire control commandThis control measure should be read in conjunction with Safety officers Appoint a safety officer as soon as reasonably practical and use safety observers in all sectors. Safety officers sho...
Fires in waste sitesThis control measure should be read in conjunction with Cordon controls Transport incidents require the implementation and management of appropriate cordons to protect the public,...
TransportManaging and supervising fire control personnel is an essential part of the safe system of work that encompasses all aspects of fire control activity. Incident command in the fire control contex...
Fire control commandFire protection features are provided to assist firefighters and should be considered when deciding on an appropriate location for a bridgehead. A firefighting shaft is a protected enclosure provid...
Fires in buildingsPreplanning Changing evacuation strategy during an incident involving flats will be difficult, time consuming and resource intensive, the available time may be limited, and the building will ge...
Fires in buildingsIdentifying the fire floor The correct location of the fire and the floor or level involved should be accurately identified in order to establish sectorisation, the bridgehead, and the staging...
Fires in buildingsThis control measure should be read in conjunction with Situational awareness The search for a missing person on land is the responsibility of the police. However, the fire and resc...
Search, rescue and casualty careThis control measure should be read in conjunction with Command roles and responsibilities Fire and rescue services need to have an awareness of the capacity, capability and skill set...
WildfiresAny floor that is more than 1.2m below ground level may be classed as a basement. Basements are also defined as areas requiring an upward means of escape. A shallow basement can be described ...
Fires in buildingsThis hazard should be read in conjunction with Multiple calls and multiple incidents Communication Communication can be ineffective or fail when information is not shared at the right ti...
Fire control command guidanceThis section of the Operational Guidance sets out the hazard knowledge and control measures that should be considered in relation to firefighting. The aim is to integrate the knowledge, understanding ...
FirefightingEstablish sectorisation appropriate to the type, size and complexity of the incident. Consider the potential for undetected firespread. Continually monitor and assess the fire develop...
Fires in buildings that failDue to the nature of some types of incidents, it may not be feasible to demonstrate practical application of training; however, the delivery of the tactical actions could form part of a training exerc...
Fire in waste sitesDue to the nature of some types of incidents, it may not be feasible to demonstrate practical application of training; however, the delivery of the tactical actions could form part of a training exerc...