Safeguarding Practitioners Group

This Group provides advice as subject matter experts to the NFCC Safeguarding Board via the NFCC Safeguarding Regional Leads Forum.

Through providing support, development and peer review of guidance, tools and sharing best practice, to meet the safeguarding fire standard and any legislative change.

The Group meet on a monthly/bi-monthly occurrence and discuss national safeguarding items as well as raise any examples of good practice, knowledge sharing and concerns they might have within their service to seek a national or collaborative way of supporting. At the quarterly meetings of this group, regional leads will discuss any raise common themes and these will be considered upon escalation or how the NFCC can provide further support and engagement.

As of September 2023, we currently have 99 members from 49 UK fire and rescue services and the NFCC.

If you are the lead in your service for safeguarding and would like to join our practitioners group for meetings and/or to receive relevant updates on Safeguarding for the Fire and Rescue Service, please contact NFCC Prevention Hub