What we will do: Our activities

Promote the self-assessment tool kit
We will promote completion in order to ensure every Fire and Rescue Service can assess gaps and associated action plans.
Develop a business case
We will enable Fire and Rescue Services to undertake DBS checks or PVG scheme in order to achieve safeguarding responsibilities, as defined and in line with the Children Act 1989 and Care Act 2004 or equivalent relevant legislation to their region. For Scotland these would include Adult support and protection (Scotland) act 2007 and Children and young people (Scotland) act 2014).
DBS checks
We will enable Fire and Rescue Services to have access to and guidance on DBS checks or PVG scheme, reflective of the roles/ individual duties undertaken.
Produce guidance and risk assessments
We will support the sector to provide a trained workforce with robust guidance and process. Produce documentation taking a proportionate approach with regard to public safety, the public sector equality duty, cost, and individual privacy, with particular reference to the ROA 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975.
Upskill the sector (competency, training, and assurance)
We will educate the sector on its safeguarding responsibilities, advocating a holistic approach that permeates through every area of our business.
We will enable all FRS/Fire and Rescue Authority (FRA) employees to understand their role and responsibilities.
We will promote Fire and Rescue Services to embed a holistic culture of safeguarding.
We will enable services to safeguard and promote welfare of children, young people, and adults at risk.
We will develop training pathways for professional leads and the wider sector.
We will develop a peer review template to enable a culture of organisational learning.