Published 4 September 2024

Response to Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 2 Report

Heart in green for Grenfell

Responding to the publication of the Grenfell Tower Fire Inquiry Phase 2 Report, National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) Chair, Mark Hardingham, said:

“The 72 people who lost their lives in the Grenfell Tower fire are at the forefront of our minds as we read today’s report. We know how difficult and painful it will be for their families and loved ones reading the report. Whilst no words can ever lessen their grief, our thoughts are with them and all those who continue to be affected by the fire.

“We also reflect on the actions of the firefighters, emergency services workers and members of the local community who responded to the fire. They faced indescribably harrowing scenes, and we remember their selflessness and bravery.

“Fire and rescue services are better prepared to respond to fires in high-rise residential buildings since the Phase 1 report was published, but we must continue to reflect and learn from the systemic failures that led to the loss of 72 lives. It is the responsibility of NFCC as the professional voice of fire and rescue services and the sector to learn from the issues leading up to the incident, the actions on the night of the fire, what has happened since, and to continue to correct what went wrong. We will focus all our efforts on what we must do better or differently so that we never again see anything like the Grenfell Tower fire.

“We will carefully consider every recommendation in the report, giving them our full attention. We will continue to work with partners in government and across and beyond the fire service sector as we press for significant improvement and reform on behalf of our communities.”