Investing in People, Culture and Leadership by providing good practice guidance, tools and improvements at a national level for implementation locally.
Leadership Products
The Leadership programme was commissioned to form a response to the challenges facing current and future leaders in the Fire Sector. Being adaptable to the evolving requirements of a modern fire and rescue service is key to our leadership and management focus for the future.
We need leaders who are both operationally and professionally competent, as well as being capable of creating and delivering a compelling vision for the future to inspire and motivate others. They need to be able to collaborate across our different functions internally as well as being able to cross traditional boundaries with other agencies and businesses to achieve more efficient, effective and joined up services for the communities we serve.
A suite of national products and tools are being developed in line with the NFCC Leadership Framework. By creating this central hub for fire & rescue services, we can promote consistency in our approach to leadership, share good practice and reduce duplication of effort.